Arnsberg (Rhön)

The Arnsberg from south

The Arnsberg is a 843 m. NN -high mountain in the Rhön on the watershed between sense and Brend. It rises 3 km east of Bishop Home at the Rhön and 4 km northwest of wild spots.

The Arnsberg is only partly wooded and therefore provides a good view of the higher mountains its surroundings: the Himmeldunkberg (888 m ) in the north, the Heidelstein ( 926 m) in the north- east, the Cross Mountain (928 m) in the south and the Dammersfeldkuppe (928 m ) in the west. In addition, the Arnsberg allows views far to the east in the grave box and to the southwest.

The north side of Arnsberg 's winter sports area with two lifts. In summer, the steep slopes of paragliding and modellers as well be used as a sheep pasture.

The shortest climb to the Arnsberg begins at the junction of County Road 25 from the NES NES county road 10 and runs from the south-east last steep in about 30 minutes on the summit.
