Arrigetch Peaks

Arrigetch peaks

The Arrigetch peaks are a group of granite peaks with an altitude of up to 2189 m in the southwest of Endicott Mountains, a mountain range of the Brooks Range.

The peaks are located in the Gates -of -the- Arctic National Park. They were a landmark of Nunamiut, which they described as " outstretched fingers ". The group of granite peaks rising above the glacier valleys and boreal coniferous forest. The peaks illustrate the glacier activity and show an abrupt transition from metamorphic rocks to granite.

The Arrigetch peaks are the headwaters of the Kobuk River and two tributaries of the Alatna River ( Arrigetch Creek and Aiyagomahala Creek ).

The summit group were classified as a National Natural Landmark and thus as important for the natural history of the country in 1968.

Pictures of Arrigetch Peaks
