Arrondissement of Chinon

The district Chinon is an administrative unit of the French département of Indre- et- Loire in the Centre region. Headquarters ( sub-prefecture ) is Chinon.

It consists of seven cantons and 87 municipalities.


  • Azay -le- Rideau
  • Bourgueil
  • Chinon
  • L' Ile- Bouchard
  • Langeais
  • Richelieu
  • Sainte -Maure -de- Touraine

Le Blanc | Blois | Bourges | Chartres | Châteaudun | Châteauroux | La Chatre | Chinon | Dreux | Issoudun | hole | Montargis | Nogent -le- Rotrou | Orléans | Pithiviers | Romorantin- Lanthenay | Saint- Amand- Montrond | Tours | Vendome | Vierzon

Pictures of Arrondissement of Chinon
