Arthur Purdy Stout

Arthur Purdy Stout ( born November 30, 1885 in New York City; † December 21, 1967 ) was an American surgeon and pathologist.


Arthur Purdy Stout came as the fourth son of Joseph S. Stout and his wife Julia Frances Purdy was born in New York City to the world. He studied at Columbia University, where he received his Medical Doctor in 1912. At Columbia University, he worked as a surgeon. For the American forces he was in France during the First World War in action. After the war he returned to Columbia University in 1921 and became an assistant professor of surgery. In 1928 he became associate professor in 1947 and professor. In 1950 he was also Professor of Pathology. In 1951 he went to Columbia University to retire and was Director of Pathology at the Francis Delafield Hospital in New York City. There he went into retirement in 1954.


Stout published as author or co-author of over 300 articles in various medical journals. In 1932 he published the book Human Cancer. He described 1954 together with L. Whittington Gorham, a new disease in a massive loss of bone mass ( osteolysis) occurs. This disease is now known after their discoverers as Gorham - Stout syndrome.
