Aue (Oste)

The floodplain in Bülkau

The floodplain is an approximately 14 km long, left or south-westerly tributary of the Oste in northern Lower Saxony ( Germany ).


The floodplain was before the construction of Neuhaus- Bülkauer channel the natural flow of Balksees in the southwest of the community Wingst on the southern edge of the velvet municipality On Dobrock. The Balksee in turn is fed by several streams. The floodplain has today no more direct connection with the Balksee and rises on its northern edge. The floodplain has no natural gradient as a former tidal creek. The water level is maintained through two sluices and pumping station artificially below sea level.


  • Ronne
  • Neuhaus- Bülkauer channel ( most of the water of the Balksees and former drainage areas of the floodplain flow through this channel)
  • Sprengeauswettern
  • Splethauswettern