August Detlev Christian Twesten

August Twesten (* April 11, 1789 in Gluckstadt, † January 8, 1876 in Berlin) was a professor of theology in Kiel and Berlin. He was a follower and successor Friedrich Schleiermacher and father of the politician Karl Twesten.


1808 Twesten began the study of philosophy and philology at Kiel University, but moved two years later to the University of Berlin to study theology. His dissertation Twesten wrote in 1813 about Hesiod. In 1814 he received a A.O. Professor of Systematic Theology in Kiel. 1816 married Catharina Amalia Twesten Margaret Behrens, daughter of the lawyer SJB Behrens. In 1826 he received an honorary doctorate from the Bonn Faculty of Theology. In the same year he was appointed a Knight of the Dannebrog.

1830 took over Twesten the Rectorate in Kiel, before he was appointed in 1834 as the successor of Schleiermacher to Berlin. Here he joined in 1835 of the wicked society in Berlin. In 1841 he became a member of the Consistory and 1852 Oberkonsistorialrat.

Twesten was six times Rector 1830 /31, 1850/51 and 1860/61 in Kiel and 1839 /40, 1850/51 and 1860/61 in Berlin.

Twesten found his final resting place in a family vault in the Trinity Cemetery I in Berlin in the first six marble slabs field at the wall grave show the names of the family members buried here. The panel for August Twesten wearing a Marmortondo with a relief portrait, created by the sculptor Otto Geyer.
