Auguste Bouché-Leclercq

Auguste Bouché - Leclercq ( born July 30, 1842 in Francières (Oise ), Oise, † July 19, 1923 in Nogent -sur- Marne, Val -de- Marne département ) was a French historian.


Auguste Bouché - Leclercq was the son of Louis Bouché -Thomas and Marie- Joséphine Leclercq, who worked as farmers. He received his education in several seminaries and put 1861 in Paris from his high school. In several months of travel by Italian and German cities, he acted as a private tutor. After that, he was among other things a high school teacher in 1866 in Meaux and earned a doctorate in philosophy in 1872. 1873-1878 he was Professor of Ancient Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy of Montpellier. In 1876 he married Marie Julie Guillaume and got with her three sons and a daughter. In 1887, he was Professor of Ancient History in Paris, in 1898 a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres and 1903 Officer of the Legion of Honour. In 1918 he retired and died in 1923 at the age of almost 81 years.

The main focus of Bouché - Leclercq research was in the field of ancient religious history and the history of Hellenism. On the latter topic, he wrote two important works on the dynasties of the Ptolemies and Seleucids. He also translated the works of German historians into French, including the history of Hellenism 1883-1885 by Johann Gustav Droysen.

Works (selection)

  • Les Pontifes de l' ancienne Rome ( dissertation, 1871)
  • Histoire de la divination dans l' antiquité (1879-1882), 4 vols
  • Atlas pour servir à l' histoire de grecque E. Curtius ( 1883)
  • Manuel des institutions romaines (1886 )
  • L' astrology dans le monde romain (1897 )
  • L' astrology grecque (1899 )
  • Leçons d' histoire grecque (1900)
  • Histoire des Lagides (1903-1907), 4 vols
  • Histoire des Seleucides (1913-1914), 2 vols