Augustin Dupré

Augustin Dupré ( born October 6, 1748 in Saint- Étienne, † January 30, 1833 in Armentieres -en- Brie ) was a French medalist coins and medals, the 14 engraver Général des Monnaies.


He started his working life in the royal arms factory. Around 1770, he settled in Paris, became a student of the sculptor David and engraved his first medals.

Regime change and the reform of the monetary system during and after the French Revolution demanded new money types. In April 1791, the Convention opened a competition. Dupré's designs have won and were used for the new currency. After this success, Dupré received on 11 July 1791, the National Assembly has the title of engraver Général des Monnaies. On March 12, 1803 Napoleon deposed him and replaced him with Pierre -Joseph Tiolier.


His first contribution to the new revolution currency was the Louis d'Or to 24 livres, on the front of the portrait of Louis XVI. , Entitled Roi des Français and the date 1792. On the back is still a Génie ailé ( Winged Genius ) the word Loi on a pedestal writing, pictured, with the inscription Le Règne de la Loi ( the government of the right) and the Declaration on III de la liberté. After the proclamation of the Republic Dupré created the majority of new Dezimalmünzen. He introduced the new 5- franc piece is with the image of Hercules. Dupré's coin designs accompanied France for over 200 years. The last coin with Hercules - group appeared in 1998.
