Fan convention

A convention ( convenire of latin, come together ', usually referred to simply Con) is an event at which people meet with similar interests (for example, jugglers, Anime Fans, Roleplayers, Fantasy Friends and player) to meet other like-minded people, with replace them about their hobby and sometimes this also pursue. Many conventions also offer opportunities for shopping stalls. In addition to official and unofficial products or specially developed by fans of art are often offered: Paintings and Drawings, Prints, short stories and adventures, games and handicrafts and especially " fanzines " said Fan magazines. Conventions are sometimes grown into an important part of the corresponding scenes. The limit to the fair is fluent.

Conventions usually take place in suitable function rooms; of small leisure centers and community centers to large hotels, convention centers and exhibition halls. A special feature is live role-playing games, which are sometimes also referred to as the "Con". This often find - at least as long as the theme of fantasy or history comes from - away from heavily populated areas instead. In contrast to all other forms of conventions only the game itself takes place here and no exchange about the hobby. However, since there are also conventions, live role-playing games have the topic, these are also designated by the common short forms LARP or Live. There is often a stage show with variety shows, show and competitions for entertainment.

The genus of the word "Con" is controversial. In accordance with " the Convention " and thus of meeting (or Convention), the Con is widely used. Oriented to the related in meaning German term " Convention " but the Con is also frequently said and written. Some operators, such as those of the now-defunct Galileo7 their meeting call them " Trekkie meeting" and thus avoid the above discussion.

Types of conventions

A fairly new trend are the anime conventions, in exchange, fans of the anime and manga about this. Often these events with cosplay competitions, a stage show, book signings, or demonstrations of animes are linked. But computer games are having in this area. Even though these usually have their own conventions. The Games Convention is to be regarded as fair, despite its name, as it is not on the initiative of fans, probably is but the most famous representative of the scene. However, many other areas have their own conventions, their German -speaking representatives are listed below:

  • Furry: Eurofurence, Anthrocon
  • Horror: Weekend Of Horrors, Bloody Diaries
  • Movies & Comic: Movie & Comic Event
  • Music: FilkCONtinental, Barbershop Convention
  • Juggling: Juggling Convention
  • Science Fiction: FedCon Galileo7, DORT.con, Coloniacon, Elstercon, Penta -Con, GarchingCon, Eurocontrol, Dark Side of Daedalus Con
  • Games and Fantasy: Fantasy Days, Feencon, Gen Con, nameless days, NORDCON, RatCon, Ring * Con, HeldenCON
  • Tattoos