Aulacomnium palustre

Aulacomnium palustre

The dioecious ( dioecious ) moss Aulacomnium palustre, also called Swamp Streifenstern moss is a moss kalkmeidendes the intermediate and fens.


The grass -like growing Aulacomnium palustre forms up to 10 cm wide, yellowish -green to bright green colored plants. A brown Wurzelfilz ( Rhizoidenfilz ), which is used for capillary water line to protect against dehydration, usually extends into the upper regions of the plantlet. The protruding upright when wet, twisted, however, in the dry state adjacent leaves are narrow tongue-shaped and can be up to 5 mm long. The leaf margin serrate in the upper half. The oval - roundish lamina cells are about 14 to 20 microns in length and 7 to 13 microns wide. Approximately 2 to 5 mamillöse protrusions of the cells are intended to supply by increasing the surface area nutrient management. At the leaf base, the lamina is multilayered and the cells are significantly extended. Sporogone are very rarely formed. Can form androgynum Similar Aulacomnium also A. palustre vegetative propagules ( pseudopodia ), but this happens much less often.

Distribution and location

Aulacomnium palustre grows in weakly acidic and non-calcareous bogs, fens, bogs, wet heaths and damp and wet meadows. It prefers a sunny to half shady, little to moderately nutrient -rich locations. It often grows beside peat mosses ( Sphagnum), and not infrequently at tree bases ( eg bog birch ) or less from fresh to moist, loamy sites outside of bogs. In the boreal and temperate latitudes it is spread almost worldwide. However, it is understood by the draining of wetlands and eutrophication in decline. In some states, it is therefore performed in the Vorwarnlisten the Red Lists of threatened mosses.
