Aulus Sempronius Atratinus

Aulus Sempronius Atratinus is a figure of the early Roman Republic and alleged Consul of the years 497 and 491 BC His counterpart in both years were Marcus Minucius Augurinus.

Livy (II 21, 34 1, 7) and therefore Cassiodorus call him without cognomen A. Sempronius, while the Konsularfasten only call his cognomen. Dionysius of Halicarnassus, however, calls it by its full name.

From his first consulate report Livy and Dionysius Roman consecration of a temple of the god Saturn in the forum and the related foundation of Saturnalia. Under the second consulate he should have condemned, according to Livy Coriolanus, while Dionysius the consuls have nothing to do with it. Even as a speaker does not occur he, but his ( older ) colleague.

Next Dionysius reported that Sempronius Atratinus 487 BC, the city prefect of Rome, 486 BC orator in the Senate in the arable laws of Spurius Cassius Vecillinus was. Dionysius calls him as a first Interrex of the Republic in 482 BC These details that do not appear in Livy all, are inventions of the late history.

Also its consulates are not considered historical, but already appear persistently in the early tradition. The consulates of Sempronier are - so now unanimous opinion within the specialized science - to delete all of the consul list of the early Republic, as they were later, probably BC, interpolated to 300. In the early phase of the Republic only patricians could reach the consulship, the assets Sempronia but was clearly plebeian.
