BabeÈ™-Bolyai University

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The Babeş - Bolyai University ( Universitatea Babes- Bolyai rumän. ) is located in the Romanian city of Cluj- Napoca (German Cluj ) in Transylvania. It was named after the Romanian physician Victor Babeş (1854-1926) and named the Hungarian mathematician János Bolyai ( 1802-1860 ). It is the only trilingual university of southeastern Europe. The university has three fields of study where lessons are taught in Romanian, Hungarian and German.


The first attempts to establish a university in Transylvania, came from Prince Sigismund 1567 by he expressed the desire for a university in Sebes.

István Báthory then laid the foundations for the opening of new universities in other parts of the country ( Pozsony, Buda and Trnava) and a college in Cluj in the years to 1581. The first rector of this college was the Italian Antonio Possevino. The college was run by the Jesuits, but later closed again.

As part of the Counter-Reformation Catholics founded in 1688 an academy in Cluj, again under the control of the Jesuits.

Maria Theresa founded in 1776, a German -speaking university in Kolozsvár, which was soon replaced by Joseph II through the famous Piaristenhochschule where instruction was held in Latin.

After 1848, the call for a university in the national language was louder. The Romanians demanded a university with Romanian as a language of instruction. The Hungarian Prime Loránd Eötvös proposed the establishment of a university with teaching languages ​​Romanian, Hungarian and German, to take account of the growing multilingualism in Transylvania. This proposal was supported by the Romanian elite. However, the university was founded in 1872 with the sole language of instruction Hungarian, what the Romanians revolted and excluded from university education.

After the First World War, the University on 12 May 1919, re-established as completely romanian.

As part of the territorial reorganization of 1940, the Romanian university to Sibiu and Timisoara and the Hungarian University of Szeged to Cluj attracted to. 1945 pulled the Romanian university returned to Cluj and received the name of Victor Babeş. In addition, a Hungarian university was founded under the name of János Bolyai by the Romanian government.

Babeş - Bolyai University from 1959

1959 these two universities were merged to Babeş -Bolyai University of Cluj. The Babeş -Bolyai University taught now in Romanian and Hungarian. Under the regime of Ceausescu, the Hungarian share, however, was massively reduced.

In 1996 started the construction of a new campus in 1999 with the construction of new student residences.

The Babeş -Bolyai University is in the process of integrating into the international system of universities, which, inter alia, in the creation of modern communication systems, connection to European university networks ( GEANT ), again one of the major universities in Central and Eastern Europe to be expressed.

The international profile of the University is mainly ensured by extensive collaborations with other universities, which also involves the exchange of professors and other academic staff. There are 11 faculties 13 bachelor's and three master's degree programs offered in 2006 in German language in the academic year 2005 /.


Today's university has 21 faculties in the areas of mathematics and computer science, physics, chemistry and chemical engineering, geography, biology and geology, philology, law, policy, administrative and communication studies, European studies, history, philosophy, psychology and educational sciences, sociology and social work, physical education and sports, economics, business, environmental science and theology ( Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Roman Catholic, Reformed ), theater and television.


The Babeş -Bolyai University is a member of the network of Balkan universities and is also working with the following German universities:

  • University of Graz
  • University of Vienna,
  • University of Bremen
  • Hochschule Bremerhaven
  • Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Friedrich- Alexander -University Erlangen -Nuremberg
  • University of Innsbruck ( Geography)
  • University of Leipzig
  • University of Applied Sciences Merseburg
  • Fachhochschule Schmalkalden
  • Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg
  • Mittweida ( FH)
  • Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster ( double-degree in Political Science European Studies )
  • University of Potsdam
  • University of Rostock
  • University of Salzburg
  • Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
  • Julius -Maximilians -Universität Würzburg
  • University of Trier
  • University of Regensburg
  • Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe ( KIT)

Pictures of BabeÈ™-Bolyai University
