
37.22305555555630.498055555556Koordinaten: 37 ° 13 ' 23 " N, 30 ° 29' 53 " O

Bademağacı Höyük is a Taurus on the north slope about 50 km north of Antalya and 20 km from Bucak removed, 2, 5 km north-east of the village Bademağacı in the district of Antalya Province Döşemealtı to 780 m altitude. The hill was first described by James Mellaart named Kızılkaya ( Red Rock ).

The Höyük has an oval shape with a radius of 110-210 m. He stands at about 7 meters from the surrounding countryside, with its rich cultural layers to two meters below the present ground surface. The hill is excavated since 1993 by Refik Duru and Gülsün Umurtak, where previously eta 3,000 m² area could be opened. The settlement remains found here date from the early and late Neolithic and from the Early and Middle Bronze Age.

The Neolithic settlement existed continuously until the beginning of the Chalcolithic, from which only a few fragments were found, suggesting a hiatus. Some 2,000 years later in 24./23. Century BC, in the Bronze Age, the site has been inhabited again. After another brief hiatus for the time being last settlement was in the Middle Bronze Age in the first half of the 2nd millennium BC Only at the highest point of the hill there was a Byzantine church, probably abandoned by the immigration of Turkish tribes in the 12th century been.
