Baltazar Mathias Keilhau

Baltazar Mathias Keilhau ( born November 2, 1797 in Biri, † January 1, 1858 in Oslo) was a Norwegian geographer, geologist and mountaineer.


Keilhau established after extensive research trips in 1821 the mineralogical research at the University of Oslo. After a lecturer from 1826 to 1834, he was appointed to a full professorship. Here he pioneered the geology of Norway and created with the publication of the series Gaea Norwegica 1838-1848 the scientific basis for the following research.


Sustainability in the public and scientific perception of Norway remained Keilhaus northern tour in 1827, which led him into the Finnmark region to Bear Island and Svalbard archipelago ( Spitsbergen ). This trip, in which he participated, at the invitation of the German Barto of Löwenigh (1799-1853), was reflected in his 1831 published work " rejse i Øst -og Vest- Finnmark together til berry island above Spitsbergen i aarene 1827 og 1828 " ( travel in the eastern and western Finnmark and bear Island and Spitsbergen in 1827 and 1828). Keilhau undertook further expeditions that took him to many parts of Norway, among others, Jotunheimen his home region of Oppland, which he described as well.


According to him the Keilhaubucht the island Edgeøya is named, the third largest island of the Svalbard archipelago.
