Bamwe language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Bamwe




Bamwe is a Bantu language spoken by about 20,000 people ( census 1983) in the Democratic Republic of Congo is spoken.

It is distributed in the provinces of Equateur and South Ubangi.

Most speakers speak the language as a second language Lingala, 20-30 % of them can also write Lingala.


Bamwe forms with the languages ​​Bangi, Boko, Bolia, Bolondo, Bomboli, Bomboma, Bozaba, Dzando, Lobala, Mabaale, Moi, Ntomba, Sakata, Sengele and Yamongeri the Bangi - Ntomba group and is part of the Guthrie - area C40.

Bamwe is related to the languages ​​Dzando and Ndolo.
