Sakata language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Sakata




Sakata, also called Kisakata, Saka, Lesa or Odual, is a Bantu language that is spoken by approximately 75,000 members of Sakata in the province of May Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Sakata is written in the Latin script, parts of the Bible are translated to Sakata.


Sakata, together with the languages ​​Bamwe, Bangi, Boko, Bolia, Bolondo, Bomboli, Bomboma, Bozaba, Dzando, Lobala, Mabaale, Moi, Ntomba, Sengele and Yamongeri the Guthrie - area C40.

Sakata has the dialects Sakata, Chia (also Kidjia, slide or Dja ) and Bai (also Kibai ).

Language example

« Lebombi Nzambi ahuni bari ti otime hands Mua designating nendamo, lebo leyiqa muri nama namokika la, te ayiko ya moi mo itito. " ( Bible, John 3:16)
