Bangi language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo languages Benue - Congo languages Bantoide languages Bantu languages Bangi




Bangi (also Bobangi, Bubangi, Bungi, Dzamba, Lobobangi and Rebuist ) is a Bantu language spoken by approximately 111,300 people ( 2000 census ) in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo is spoken. It is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo east of the river Congo used in Equateur province with about 50,900 and in the Republic of Congo in the department Cuvette with about 60,400 speakers.

Bangi is written in the Latin script, 1909-1922, the New Testament was translated in Bangi.


Bangi, together with the languages ​​Bamwe, Boko, Bolia, Bolondo, Bomboli, Bomboma, Bozaba, Dzando, Lobala, Mabaale, Moi, Ntomba, Sakata, Sengele and Yamongeri the Bangi - Ntomba group and is part of the Guthrie - area C40.

Bangi is related to the languages ​​Dzando and Ndolo.


1st Book of Moses:

Pictures of Bangi language
