Banner of arms

In the flag of customer is the heraldic banner (English: Banner of the arms, Heraldic banners; Abbreviation: BoA) a usually square scarf (later also rectangular ) refers to a coat of arms image, so the rectangular representation of a coat of arms on a cloth.


Coat of Arms Banners are one of the original forms of flags. For the first time they were used by nobles in the Middle Ages. This, for example, created the first national flags of Portugal and Spain. Today, coat of arms Banner find as Göschs at various naval forces, the flags of the Swiss cantons, community flags and official flags of State and Government. Only five national flags you can still call the coat of arms Banner: Those Switzerland, Kiribati, Malta, Kosovo and Namibia.


National flag of Kosovo

? National flag of Malta

? Flag of Switzerland

? National Flag of Namibia

? Flag of Portugal under Alfonso III. , 1248-1385

? Air and Marine Flag of Luxembourg: " De Roude Léiw " ( The Red Lion)

Flag of the Swiss canton of Geneva

Flag of the U.S. State of Maryland

Flag of the President of Ireland

Command flag of the King of Sweden

? Flag of the Crown of Castile and Léon

Royal Standard of England, Wales and Northern Ireland
