Barron (Wisconsin)

Barron County


Barron is a city ( with a status of "City" ) and the administrative seat of Barron County in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. In 2010, Barron had 3423 inhabitants is the second largest city of the county.


Barron is located in northwestern Wisconsin to 45 ° 24 'north latitude and 91 ° 51 ' west longitude. The city covers an area of 7.67 km ² and is on average 338 meters above sea level.

By Barron leads in east-west direction of the U.S. Highway 8 and the Wisconsin Highway 25, U.S. Highway 53 runs 9 km east of Barron. The Rice Lake Regional Airport is 8 km northeast of the city. The city is connected to the rail network in the Chicago and North Western Railway.

The nearest large towns are Rice Lake (about 20 km north-east ), Eau Claire (about 90 km south), the Twin Cities ( Minneapolis and Saint Paul ) in Minnesota (about 130 km southwest) and Duluth ( about 170 km north ). Barron is located approximately 370 km north- west of Madison, the capital of the state.


According to the census in 2010 lived in Barron 3423 people in 1422 households. The population density was 446.3 inhabitants per square kilometer. In the 1422 households lived statistically 2.27 per person.

The racial the population was composed of 87.2 percent white, 8.8 percent African American, 0.8 percent Native American, 0.7 percent Asian and 0.8 percent from other ethnic groups; 1.7 percent were descended from two or more races. Regardless of ethnicity were 3.0 percent of the population are Hispanic or Latino of any race.

22.9 percent of the population were under 18 years old, 58.9 percent were between 18 and 64 and 18.2 percent were 65 years or older. 49.1 percent of the population was female.

The median annual income for a household was $ 36,087. The per capita income was $ 19,601. 17.1 percent of the population lived below the poverty line.

Persons that are associated with the city

  • Charles C. McDonald, former U.S. Air Force General.