
Barzani (or Barzani ) is a Kurdish surname. It derives from the tribal name Barzani, who in turn derived from the Barzan place in northern Iraq. Well-known bearers of the name are:

  • Ahmed Barzani (1896-1969; known as Khudan ), head of the Barzani clan
  • Asenath Barzani (1590-1670), Jewish scholar from Amediye
  • Idris Barzani († 1987), son of Mustafa Barzani; Kurdish politicians in Iraq
  • Masud Barzani ( born 1946 ), son of Mustafa Barzani; Chairman of the PDK (1979 - ), President of the Kurdish autonomous region
  • Mullah Mustafa Barzani (1903-1979), founder and chairman of the Kurdish Democratic Party PDK
  • Mustafa Barzani (1903-1979), leader of the Kurdish Democratic Party
  • Nechirvan Idris Barzani (born 1966 ), son of Idris Barzani; Prime Minister of the Kurdish Parliament in Arbil
  • Ubaidullah Barzani, Mustafa Barzani's eldest son
  • Disambiguation