Basse Santa Su


According to a calculation for 2013 there live about 11,859 inhabitants, the result of the last published census in 1993 amounted to 9265th


The town's name means something like " Compound above, on the hill " ( santo " [sic ] " = top, su = compound). The highest point of the hill on which the city is located at the coordinate: 13 ° 18 ' N, 14 ° 14' W13.303611111111 - 14.23583333333347.

From Banjul to Basse Santa Su 396 km (street ) is removed and is considered an important transport hub in the eastern part of the country.

South of the town, approximately 1.5 kilometers Mansajang Kunda lies on a street after Sabi. To the east of Basse is adjacent, the place Kaba Kama. Two bridges connect the Kaba Kama Basse renewed 2011.

Pier on the south bank of the river ferry
