
Bathyergus Janetta

Beach graves ( Bathyergus ) are a genus of the family of sandy graves in the rodent order.

The animals have a plump, cylindrical body and a broad head. The tail is very short and carries a ray-like hair. Outer ears are missing and the eyes are very small. The incisors are still far and are used just like the limbs for digging.

The occurring in southern Africa Cape beach graves is about 30 cm long, has a yellow back and a gray belly. This species is found on sandy areas in which they stretched far and branched transitions digs.


  • Namaqua beach graves ( Bathyergus Janetta Thomas & Schwann, 1904)
  • Cape beach graves ( Bathyergus suillus ( Schreber, 1782 ) )


Lexicon entry in Nordisk familjebok (1876-1926) ( Swedish)
