Battle of Radom

Danzig - Westerplatte - Tuchel Heath - Krojanten - Mlawa - Radom - Wizna - Bzury - Brześć - Lviv - Rawa Ruska - Lublin - Kampinoska Heide - Warsaw - Szack - Modlin - Hel Peninsula - Kock

The Battle of Radom (also known as Battle of Iłża ) Polish Army troops Prusy under the command of Colonel Muzyka, which cut off the retreat of the Vistula River by German armored forces occurred during the Second World War, from the 8th to the 9th of September 1939. was, Radom were rounded up in the area around the middle small Polish town. The Polish troops defending the territory of the city Iłża and a section of the road from Sandomierz to Radom. On September 9, the last position of the Polish infantry units in a medieval castle was taken on a hill above the town Iłża. Only a few units of the Polish army trapped Prusy had succeeded in breaking out of the boiler to Warsaw or across the river Vistula. Around 60,000 Polish soldiers were taken into German captivity.
