
A Bawley is a small British fishing sailing boat type.


The type of boat common on the south coast of England from Leith Hill via other ports of the Thames estuary up to Harwich. His use of history has been the main thing in the 19th century, it was also used in the 20th century, last but often only with engine instead sails. The remaining copies are now used as a recreational and historic ships.

Method of construction

The approximately twelve feet long and four and a half wide wooden covered with sailors Kutterbesegelung are tapered front with strong bowsprit, the tapered aft she concludes with a wide transom and tiller. The ships were first built in heavy clinker, later went to Carvel on. The largest part of the deck is closed, only small hatches giving access to the flat subspace. Possessed the Bawleys initially a Seewasserbünn, a water-filled hatch that kept alive and thus the fresh catch, who later became buildings an oven to cook the brown shrimp caught. The single mast is forward of amidships arranged somewhat as the sail is made of a high fixed gaff sail without lower tree, a gaff topsail and one or two headsails.
