Bayard (Nebraska)

Morrill County


Bayard is a city in Morrill County in the U.S. state of Nebraska.


According to United States Census 2000 Bayard has 1,247 inhabitants, of whom 596 men and 651 women.


Bayard is located in the west of Morrill County about 25 km southeast of Scottsbluff on U.S. Highway 26 The most prominent feature of the city is the Chimney Rock, which is designated as a National Historic Site since 1956 and the early settlers in land acquisition in the United States as a point of served.


Bayard was established in 1888 and was named by settlers who came from Bayard, Iowa, and wanted to have the name for their new town. The second building was the business of the " Bayard Transcript ", a newspaper that is published today. 1900 reached the Burlington Railroad, the area about a mile south of Bayard. So South Bayard was born. Their heyday was told the city 1917-1920 as the Great Western Sugar Company built a factory. It came to 1920 three banks, hotels, twelve grocery stores and five restaurants. Today, the city has a Elementary School and Secondary School has.
