Bernardine of Feltre

Blessed Bernardine of Feltre (also: Bernardino da Feltre, * 1439 in Feltre (Italy ); † September 28, 1494 in Pavia) was Franciscan, preacher and founder significant charitable Leihanstalten.

Bernardine of Feltre came from an aristocratic house. He studied in Mantua in 1463 priest, later a professor of theology. From 1469 he was an important preacher of Italy, later titled " Apostolic Preacher " (1881 ).

Bernardine of Feltre founded Leihanstalten ( " Monte di Pietà " ), in which the poorer classes could borrow money without being subjected to usurious interest rates. These Monti were common in Italy, France, Spain and Germany.

1654 his worship was confirmed by Pope Innocent X ( cultus confirmatus ). The Memorial of Blessed is September 28. He is patron of pawnbrokers.

Had his anti-Jewish sermons in the case of Simon of Trent, the downfall of the Jewish community of Trento, the expulsion of the Jews from Perugia, Gubbio, Ravenna and from other Italian cities result.


It is especially in the 15th and 16th centuries - usually as a monk in cowl - shown later only in popular prints.
