Bianwen (transformation texts)

Bianwen (Chinese变 文/变 文, Pinyin biànwén, W.-G. pien- wen, english transformation text / ' incident - text', text transformation / conversion texts '), also Dunhuang Bianwen (燉 煌 变 文/敦煌 变 文, Dunhuang biànwén, Tun-huang pien- wen) or short- Bian (变/变bian, pien ) named, were one in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) popular ballads seal normally formed in Buddhist themes with alternately rhyming and absurd passages. The Bianwen seals often use Buddhist terminology.

In the style of a Erzählungs and vocal forms used seal the common people recording the contents of the Sutras were from the Buddhist temples and monasteries thus facilitated by easily understandable colloquial texts. Buddhism found in China from the Wei ( 220-265 ) and Jin ( 265-420 ) to Sui to - ( 581-618 ) and Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) wide distribution and the monasteries and temples used diverse popularization means, such as Zhuandu ( reading), Changdao (vocals) and Sujiang ( popular sermon ).

The reasons provided with instrumental and vocal accompaniment Sujiang ( popular sermons ) were in the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) are very popular, as folk artists and so began, legends and fairy tales by Shuochang ( a narrative and singing connecting form of storytelling ) in the shape of the Bianwen to tell. At that time, not only singing and story were combined in Shuochang, but also to the presentation drawings were used to better illustrate to the public the content.

The Bianwen style between verse and prose is akin to the Sanskrit Sutras. The traditional style is the fact not only propagated and developed, but it also provides a good example of so-called Guqu Changci ( drum game accompanied arias / songs / libretti / ballads ).

Since the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) emerged various literary forms, including Huaben ( colloquial narratives ), Cihua ( stories with parts in verse ), Xiqu (traditional opera ) and so on. The popular in the Tang Dynasty Bianwen were conceived by feudal lords in decline because of their unfavorable staging and discrimination.

The since the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ) dominant, story and song connecting form of storytelling was a milestone in the history of Chinese Quyi ( folk singing and elocution form) development. Various traditional operas were later essentially emerge from this form.

Three types of

Essentially, three types are distinguished by Bianwen:

1 Bianwen with Buddhist themes, such as Xiangmo bianwen降魔 变 文( " conquest of demons " ), Pomo bianwen破 魔 变 文( " victory over the demons " ), Damuqianlian Mingjian jiumu bianwen大 目 干 连 冥 间 救 母 变 文( " Mahamaudgalyayana saves his mother from the hell ").

2 Bianwen with historical themes, such as Wu Zixu bianwen伍子胥 变 文( " Wu Zixu " ), Wang Zhaojun bianwen王昭君 变 文( " Wang Zhaojun " ), Han Qinhu huaben韩擒虎 话 本( "History of the tiger catchers Han" ), Tang Taizong Ruming ji唐太宗 入 冥 记( " records of Tang Taizong's entry into the underworld" ).

3 Bianwen with issues of old folk tales, such as Shunzi Zhixiao bianwen舜 子 至孝 变 文( " Shunzi " ), Liujia Taizi bianwen刘家 太子 变 文( " The Crown Prince of the house of Liu " ), Dong Yong bianwen董永 变 文( " Dong Yong ").

Modern editions

  • Dunhuang bianwen ji; Dunhuang geci Zongbian; Dunhuang bianwen Xuanzhu; Dunhuang bianwen jiaozhu