
BibDesk is a BibTeX bibliography database for Mac OS X. It is an open source program that was as a development version in use long before reaching the version number 1.0. BibDesk is part of the TeX distribution MacTeX.

BibDesk uses many of the provided by Mac OS X features, such as real-time search and AppleScript. About an AppleScript can search and apply selected hit directly in the BibTeX database, for example, the American and German Amazon database.

In addition, BibDesk can about the widespread Z39.50 protocol to access many library catalogs.

The user interface is based in functional terms to the popular music manager iTunes. Just as iTunes manages music files BibDesk organized access to electronic documents such as PDFs.

With drawbacks in terms of functionality, you can use BibDesk with normal word processing programs. BibDesk has a powerful template system, which can be exported as HTML, RTF or Microsoft Word files the data. To create these styles is BibDesk also a graphical interface available - this, however, all functions of the template system are not available. Using the clipboard allows the corresponding formatted citations accept any text processing in almost. In this approach, the automatic compilation or updating of the bibliography omitted, as is possible with BibTeX. However, there is now also the possibility of direct exchange via AppleScript, for example in Pages or Microsoft Word.
