
Biebrza marsh

The Biebrza [b ʲ ɛbʒa ] (also called German or Russian Bóbr Bober ) is a river in Belarus and Poland. Northwest of Białystok flows through the strongly meandering river the Biebrzasümpfe that count with an area of 1,290 km ², the largest wetlands in Europe.

Importance for nature conservation

The landscape of the Biebrza Valley is in the highest degree a natural landscape, with a large variety of plants and animals. There occur more than 70 plant communities and over 950 species of vascular plants. About 273 species of birds breed here. For many of them it is the main breeding area in Central Europe. Particularly noteworthy are: Snipe, Ruff, White-winged tern, Aquatic Warbler, Spotted Eagle, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Booted Eagle.

The Biebrzasümpfe are part of the Biebrza National Park established in 1993.
