
Biofertilizer (also bio- fertilizers) are substances that contain living microorganisms and are attributed to the field of Bioeffektoren. Organic fertilizer is generally applied as a substrate to the seed, the plant surface, or the soil. The organisms colonize the rhizosphere or penetrate into the plant and thereby improving nutrient absorption. Organic fertilizers are in addition to the direct content of nutrients, making the specified nutrients in the soil available to plants. It is expected that organic fertilizer can reduce the use of mineral fertilizers and use of pesticides. Bio-fertilizer on the basis of compost and recycling waste with rhizobia, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and blue green algae are long in use.

  • Azotobacter is used in field crops such as wheat, maize, mustard, cotton, potatoes, and various vegetables.
  • Azospirillum vaccinations are used in the crops of millet, maize, sugarcane and wheat.
  • Blue-green algae, the type cyanobacteria, Nostoc, Anabaena, and Tolypothrix Aulosira are nitrifying and used as vaccines in rice fields.
  • Other bacteria, the so-called phosphate solubilising bacteria such as Pantoea agglomerans strain P5 or Pseudomonas putida strain P13 can bring in solution insoluble phosphates of organic and inorganic origin. This in particular if the phosphate - immobilization is carried out by metal ions such as Fe, Al and Ca, or organic acids, the availability of phosphate in the soil is substantially reduced, resulting in deficiency of the crop plants.

Much of the chemical fertilizers are defined directly after the field application in the soil, thus is usually less than 20 percent of fertilizers available to the plants. With bio-fertilizers is trying to make the specified nutrients available again. Numerous attempts to clarify how biofertilizer and the organisms contained therein with the roots and the surrounding soil cooperate to make the specified nutrient resources of the soil used. At the same time it is investigated how these Bioeffektoren revitalize the plants and can make them resistant to stress factors and diseases.

As a prominent researcher in the field of near-natural plant nutrition are:

  • Walter Aufhammer, Jiří Balík, Günter Kahnt, Horst Marschner, Gerhard Michael, Torsten Müller, Günter Neumann, Jiri Petr, László Radics, Volker Roemheld