Bobby Seale

Bobby Seale ( born October 22, 1936 in Dallas ) is an American civil rights activist and co-founder of the Black Panther Party. He now works as a lecturer, presenter and TV chef. He is married, has two children and lives in Philadelphia.


At the age of seven years, Seale and his family moved from Texas to California, where he first worked as a mechanic in the U.S. Air Force after school. Later, Seale wrote a design for the subject in the Merritt College.

Black Panther Party for Self-Defense

On October 15, 1966 Seale founded together with Huey P. Newton in Oakland in the wake of the assassination of Malcolm X, the African American civil rights organization the Black Panther Party For Self Defense. Newton declared himself defense mini Rochester and Seale was the party chairman. In contrast to the nonviolent civil rights movement under Martin Luther King and the religious black nationalist Nation of Islam Seale saw the Black Panther Party (BPP ) as an explicitly leftist organization of African American and as a protection force of their communities against racist police violence. The organization of free breakfasts for black students was as much to the resources of the Black Panther strategy as the construction of a large arsenal of weapons

National notoriety reached Seale when he ( as one of the Chicago Eight ) for conspiracy and incitement at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 stood along with Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and five other defendants in Chicago to court. Since the defendants, the Court not recognized, they interrupted the session often heckled, curses and insults. Seale followed later negotiating bound and gagged in the courtroom. Because of contempt of court Seale was sentenced to four years in prison. The remaining defendants ( now known as " Chicago Seven" ) were later acquitted.

After a series of internal disputes about the basic thrust of the Black Panthers Seale in 1974 expelled from the party.

After the Black Panther

Today Seale works as a speaker, presenter and TV chef. He is the author of numerous books about the Black Panthers, as well as a popular BBQ cookbook. He is currently chairman of the organization REACH, the young American support in the organization of local groups and actions.
