Bogenhofen Seminary

  • Theological Seminary
  • Oberstufenrealgymnasium
  • Mission course
  • German as a foreign language

The seminar Bogenhofen is an educational center of the Protestant Free Church of Seventh- day Adventists in Austria and German-speaking Switzerland. The place Bogenhofen located 6 km east of Braunau am Inn.

History of the site

The place Bogenhofen ( since the 13th century as " Pugenhofen ", " Pubenhofen " and " Boubenhofen " known) was an old Bavarian Manor. From the 14th century, the oldest written mentions of the castle coat of arms come from. The manor was in the shape of a water castle. In 1438, the castle was acquired by the Bavarian Chancellor Andreas Loder and 1451 adds Duke Louis of Lower Bavaria, the " Hofmarksfreiheit and justice " for the castle and village. Loders ' son did not call himself more like his father but " Pugenhofen ". The owner changed the course of history from a few different Bavarian and Austrian nobles, until 1949 the castle site was purchased from the Church of Seventh- day Adventists. The present castle building in rural, classical style was built in 1834.

Overview of the history of the seminar

The seminar Bogenhofen began in 1949 with a so-called missionary school ( which included a theological mission course, a nursing pre-school and a general education course ), 1951 was a school ( 1957-2000 cooperation with the Munich Goethe Institute, from 2000 with Austrian German Diploma ) and since 1980 state-approved office and administrative schools nearby, the latter was abandoned in 1989. Founding headmaster was Ferdinand Pieringer. In 1954, the company was founded Optimo as a side income opportunity the students of the seminary, in the meantime, this resident in Braunau am Inn Company has become the largest bed frame factory in Austria.

Courses today

  • Oberstufenrealgymnasium with instrumental instruction and health education, recognized by the state since 1984
  • Theological Seminary, since 1997, a Bachelor degree is awarded equal
  • A one-year mission planning Academy course, since September 2011.
  • Language Institute with the Department " German as a foreign language " with test behalf of the Austrian Language Diploma ( OSD )


The school newspaper BOGI informed since 1985 former students and friends of the seminar on current topics in Bogenhofen.
