Boljetin, Zvečan

42.93555555555620.857222222222Koordinaten: 42 ° 56 'N, 20 ° 51 ' E

Boletin (Serbian: Boljetin or Бољетин ) is a village which is located in the municipality of Zvečan in northern Kosovo, and about five kilometers north-east of Kosovska Mitrovica is located.

Population and Policy

Boletin belongs beside Lipa and Zhazha / Žaža to the three villages that are located in the mainly Serb- inhabited Common Zvečan and where only live Kosovo Albanians. Overall, this is an estimated 350 people, which represent a minority of 2.1 percent of the community population (as of 2006).

By 2002, the population of Boletin, Lipa and Zhazha boycotted the municipal administration of Zvečan. However, in December 2002, they voted at a public meeting representatives from their ranks, who participated in a mediation and community committee under the leadership of the UN community manager. The community committee met regularly since then, except in 2004, when it came to the pogrom-like riots in March against the Serb and non- Albanian population of extremist Albanians in Kosovo.


In the 12th century, the region belonged to Boletin to the Serbian territory. After Stefan Dragutin was deposed by the Serbian national assembly as king, his brother Milutin in 1282 was enthroned as his successor, the entire region was part of its empire around Boletin until his death in 1321. The body of the Serbian king was buried in the monastery Banjska, which is located in the immediate vicinity. He was succeeded by his son Uroš III. Decanski in which for a time was as a child under the care of Kara Nogai Khan, the Mongol leader of the Golden Horde, and henceforth ruled in the region. When the Ottomans invaded Serbia in the 14th century, the monastery Banjska was largely destroyed and built on the site of a military camp and a small mosque. The monastery was restored only partially in the 21st century.

Before the destruction of the body of Uroš II Milutin could be saved and reburied only after Trepča, which is located in Kosovska Mitrovica today, then in 1460 to Bulgaria, where he was kept until 2007, until it was a sign of solidarity to Serbia again was passed. He rests back in Banjska monastery. After the death of the Serbian King Uroš III. Decanski, ruled inter alia, the Serbian nobility and Musić Vojinović in the region, which should belong to the middle of the 15th century the Serbian Empire. As in 1439, the Ottomans launched a new offensive against Serbia, despite the fierce Serbian resistance could not be prevented the conquest of the region against a numerically superior opponent. The region around Boljetin was from the mid-15th century finally to the Ottoman Empire, until the liberation in 1912, when the region was again among Serbia.


Monastery Sokolica

On a hill above the town is the monastery Sokolica, which was built on the instructions of the Serbian king Uroš II Milutin, and his corpse there still rests. It is under the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Prizren Eparchy Raszien - and was built at the end of the 14th. The church building has a flat apse and consists of hewn stone. Later, a spacious porch was added. Importance was the monastery probably for the first time, as a sculpture of the Virgin Mary was brought there with Jesus from the monastery Banjska to protect it from the Ottomans. Between the two world wars, a bell tower was built. 1995/96, the monastery was restored. Despite severe damage during the Turkish occupation old inscriptions and murals, paintings and valuable books have been preserved from the 17th and 18th centuries. The monastery Sokolica is considered a major Serbian cultural monument.

House Boletini

In the Boletin Albanian politicians and Rilindja fighters Boletini Isa was born. His house was built in the years 1897 to 1898 in a strategic location on a hill. This more far-reaching important decisions were made that ultimately led to the proclamation of the Republic of Albania on 28 November 1912. They took place with the significant contribution of Isa Boletini and his fighters. In 2004, a partial restoration of the ISA Boletini - building complex with the support of the Kosovo Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport was held. The restored building has been converted into a museum.
