Bombus quadricolor

The four -colored cuckoo bumblebee (Bombus quadricolor ) is a species of parasitic cuckoo bumblebees living. You parasitized mainly in the Hellen bumblebee (Bombus lucorum ), but also at the Thistle Bumblebee (Bombus soroeensis ). It is common in many parts of Europe.


The four -colored cuckoo bumblebee is similar in appearance to the Hellen bumblebee. The females are 23 to 25 millimeters long, the drones mentioned males reach a length of about 15 to 18 millimeters. The wingspan of the females is around 36 to 44 millimeters, that of the male about 28 to 34 millimeters. The species has a rounded head and a short snout. In contrast to Hellen bumblebee wings are darker and on the second tergites lacks the bright transverse fascia. The head bandage enough about a half to two millimeters below the approach of the wing.

Way of life

The polylectic males of the four colored cuckoo bumblebee usually feed on field beans, knapweed, scabious, thistles and other composites. The females on the other hand prefer dandelions. The species is univoltine, that is, there is only one generation per year. The overwintered females occur between mid-April and mid-August, the fresh females with the males in mid-July to late September.
