
Bonyhád [ boɲha ː d] ( German: Bonn Hard) is a city of almost 14,000 inhabitants in southern Hungary in Tolna county.


Bonyhád is the economic, cultural and administrative center of the small area of the same name. The city is close to the Mecsek Mountains and is away from the capital city of Pécs, about 30 km.

Larger towns of the area within a radius of 30 km are Bataszek ( Tolna ), Decs, Kakasd Komló, Lengyel ( Pre-and Early History, Lengyel culture), Magyaregregy, Mecseknádasd, Murga, Nagypall, Óbánya, Pécs, Pécsvárad, Sióagárd, Szászvár, Szedres, Tolna, Szekszárd Zengővárkony and Zomba.


The name goes back to either Bony ( marshy, watery place ) or on the Duke Bonyha from the time of Árpád.


Bonyhád received in 1782 by Emperor Joseph II to the rank of market town and became the center of the region. In the era of feudalism, the economic development, among other things by the Bonyháder beef, the enamel factory (since 1909) and the shoe factory (since 1917). His many schools have increased Bonyháds regional importance.


  • Germany Hochheim am Main in Germany, since 1997
  • Poland Jastrowie in Poland
  • Germany Treuchtlingen in Germany, since 2011
  • Slovakia Tvrdošovce in Slovakia
  • Germany Wernau (Neckar ) in Germany

Buildings and Facilities

The town has a Roman Catholic and a Protestant church, an old synagogue, the crypt of the family mes- Vojnits and some chapels. To place also includes the hamlet of Borzsony. There is also a museum in the region Völgység and a fire museum, the " Swabian " room in the house of the Hungarian Germans ( Danube Swabians), an exhibition on the history of enamel production, the city library " Imre Solymár " and one named after Mihály Vörösmarty youth and cultural center.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Heinrich Muehl (1901-1963), German politician
  • Ladislau Bonyhádi (* 1923), the Romanian football player