
Boskovštejn ( German Boskowstein, also Boskenstein ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It is located eleven kilometers southeast of the city Moravské Budějovice and belongs to Okres Znojmo.


Boskovštejn is located in the Valley of the Jevišovka in the South Moravian Thaya Schwarza valley floor.

Neighboring towns are Jiřice u Moravských Budějovic in the north, Jevisovice in the east, in the southeast Bojanovice, Vranovská Ves in the south, Pavlice the southwest, Grešlové Mýto in the west and Blanné and Prokopov in the northwest.


Archaeological discoveries by František Vildomec and Jaroslav Palliardi showed that a Neolithic settlement was located at the site of the present town, which is dated to the period 5000-2000 BC. More pottery finds date back to the Hallstatt period and Iron Age.

The first documented evidence of Boskovštejn dating from 1586, when Frederick gave Náchod Location and festivities of his wife Katharine. The name was formerly Boskův Tyn and is derived from the owner of the domain Jevisovice Boček of Kunštát ago. Center of the village formed the water-resistant.

Up for sale to Sigismund von Dietrich Stein in 1619 to Boskovštejn was the owner of the Lords of Náchod. Dietrich Stein was a Protestant, and lost his possessions after the Battle of White Mountain again. 1630 was Georg von Náchod on Hösting the village including festivals and brewery. He was succeeded by his son Leopold Ferdinand of Náchod. 1659 1615 converted to the castle fortress was described as squalid and a year later Leopold Ferdinand Boskowstein sold together with Hösting to Zdenko Bohuslav Dubský of Třebomyslice.

Dubský closed Boskowstein to the more genteel tavern and four Chaluppen at the Prager Straße, where a Gröschel toll was payable to Hösting to. 1680 wrote about Zdenko Dubský Boskowstein to the owner of Jevisovice, Marshal Jean -Louis Raduit. 1682 inherited his moronic son Johann Ludwig de Souches Boskowstein. When he died in 1717, the property fell to his nephew, who sold it in 1720 to the court councilor Joseph Graf von Gattersburg.

1798 acquired Anton Graf Meraviglia the rule Hösting with the associated villages Blann, Boskowstein, Gröschlmaut, Irschitz Prokop village, Roskosch and Zerkowitz. At the end of the 18th century merged the independent Good Boskowstein with the rule Hösting. 1794 was Boskowstein to 32 houses in which 228 people lived. 1837 had 404 inhabitants of the village.

After the abolition of patrimonial Boskowstein 1848 an independent village. In 1857 the family sold their goods in Meraviglia Hösting and Boskowstein to Charles Prince of Liechtenstein. After the death of Rudolf von und zu Liechtenstein, the goods was sold in 1908 to Ferdinand Count Trauttmandsorff. After the founding of Czechoslovakia was 1923-1926 the Parzelliserung of goods Boskowstein. 1927 lived 440 inhabitants in the town, in 1938 there were 404

In the 1980s, the incorporation took place after Jevisovice, after the Velvet Revolution in 1989 sparked Boskovštejn go again, and formed its own community.


  • Fixed Boskovštejn, the four-towered building was rebuilt in 1615 to the castle
  • Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows, north west of the town on the way to Prokopov, 1742
  • Stone bridge over the Jevišovka
  • Brick clock tower
  • Monument to the on August 28, 1944 east of Boskovštejn at the Stanůvka crashed his Mustang P -51B - 15NA American pilot James Ralph Jones, built in 1946