Bountiful Utah Temple

Bountiful Utah Temple is a temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Bountiful, which was inaugurated in 1995.

Construction of the temple was announced on April 6, 1991. When building a site was chosen on the eastern edge of the city. Parts of the developed by architect Allen Ereckson design were also used for the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple. The reason was consecrated on the day of the groundbreaking ceremony, the 2 May 1992 by the then LDS President Ezra Taft Benson. The temple was completed in 1994. After the open house in the fall of 1994, the new President Howard W. Hunter, the consecration performed between the 8th and the 14th January 1995.

The Bountiful Utah Temple is clad externally with Bethel White granite. It includes a baptismal font, a celestial room, four Endowmenträume and eight sealing rooms. The entire bottom area is about 9,660 m ( 104,000 square feet). The tower is 53.6 meters high at its peak there is a golden statue of Moroni.
