Braulio Carrillo National Park


Famous for its jungle funicular Braulio Carillo National Park is located north of San José in Costa Rica. He was recognized in 1978 as a national park.

The species represented in this national park of flora and fauna include giant ferns, bromeliads, orchids and hummingbirds, poison dart frogs, butterflies, coatis and a variety of reptiles. This is indicated by the leading through the National Park marked trails and paths through so -called " senderos ". They are named after different species of snakes, such as the " sendero bocaracá " ( fer de lance ) or the " sendero Matabuey " ( ox -slayer, as the bushmaster in Costa Rica called ).

A special feature is the jungle funicular " teleferico ", from which one can observe experience the different vegetation zones and altitudinal zones of a tropical rainforest, but is not suitable for extensive wildlife viewing, since many animals stay away from the noise of the cable car.

The Braulio Carillo National Park is frequently visited by tourists who are on their way to the lying on the Caribbean Coast Tortuguero National Park and Cahuita.
