Brilliant Disguise

October 3, 1987

Brilliant Disguise is a song by Bruce Springsteen. It appeared in 1987 on the album Tunnel of Love. It was the first single of the album.


Like the entire album was recorded in Springsteen's home studio along with members of the E Street Band from January to May 1987, this song.

The text shows a confession of self-doubt of the singer. The emotions in the song are confusion, jealousy and anxiety about the fact that the wife of the singer was a stranger to him. The song deals with the masks people wear and the bitterness that comes when you realize the darkness that may lie behind these masks. The singer is struggling to make things right, but he does not succeed. He can be trusted neither himself nor his wife. Both play their roles on, he plays the faithful man and she 's loving wife, but the singer is consumed by self-doubt.

The song was also released on the album The Essential Bruce Springsteen.

Music Video

Directed by Meiert Avis.

The video reflects effectively the emotions of the song. The singer sits uncomfortably on the corner of a chair. As he sings, he plays guitar and looks directly into the camera without taking your eyes averted.
