Tunnel of Love (album)


Tunnel of Love is the eighth studio album by Bruce Springsteen. It was published in 1987 under Columbia Records and peaked in the U.S. and in the UK the number one on the charts.


The title Brilliant Disguise, Tunnel of Love, Tougher Than the Rest, Spare Parts and One Step Up released as singles, Brilliant Disguise as a single before the album release, and there is on the first four songs mentioned also in each case a music video. Bruce Springsteen 1987 Tunnel of Love got the Grammy for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance.

Title list

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All pieces were written by Bruce Springsteen

Significance and reception

2003 Album of the U.S. music magazine Rolling Stone was selected at No. 475 of the 500 best albums of all time. In Rolling Stone, the album 5 out of 5 stars received; Critic Steve Pond by recalling the history of the album: ". Bruce Springsteen met a woman, fell in love, got married and made an album about it - to meet a woman to fall in love and get married " Pond discussed different songs on the album, and shall in particularly to Walk Like a Man (at the end of the first plate side), in his view, the perhaps the most beautiful song that Springsteen had written for his father. "There is the centerpiece of the album: an uncertain journey to a dangerous, dark highway. The album does not sound like a simple trip - but it's been a long time since Bruce Springsteen has written something about free rides of any kind. One of the wonders of Tunnel of Love is that it convinces us in the end that the mysterious journey is worth the money is. "

In Allmusic the album 4.5 out of 5 stars received: Tunnel of Love is an album " romantic exploration, " Song for song honesty and trust in a relationship, and especially the love match would be questioned. The album was indeed " a weak, pained effort " and songs like Cautious Man and Two Faces castles on at Nebraska. Although Tunnel of Love would not be the album to which the ten million fans and purchasers of Born in the USA would have waited and although it came to the top of the charts, three million copies sold and three top 40 hits included, would it but a moment of career.
