
Brownsweg on the map of Suriname

Brownsweg is a Transmigrationsort and department in the district Brokopondo in the Republic of Suriname.

In the first half of the 60s of the 20th century, about 5000 Saramaccaner had to leave their old villages and places of worship for the Brokopondo reservoir. A proportion of those affected was relocated to Brownsweg.

The place is divided into the districts of Nieuw- Ganzee ( seat of Hoofdkapiteins, the village chief of Brownsweg ) Maleakondre, Wakibasoe I and II, Birihoedoematoe, Kadjoe, Macambi and Djankakondre. Brownsweg has 3871 inhabitants.

Brownsweg is named after the road that leads to the same Nature Park Brown Mountain.

  • Place in Suriname
  • Brokopondo (District)