

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

The hum Eckenbach is a orographic left tributary of the Hassel. The river atomic number is 6


The stream comes from a source area to the south of Hagenbach. The longest and highest Quellarm rises to almost 53 meters in height. After the confluence with three source arms, arising partly again from multiple source arms, the name of hum Eckenbach is first demonstrated. Here a marsh is traversed from 491 meters. At the height of 475 meters leads a springing on the high street resin flow into the creek, which is now the course Selbiger road to follow to its confluence with the B 81. The B 81 is passed under, received the Selle trench and roughly the ripple Eckenbach follows the course of the B 81, B crosses under 242 and ends shortly afterwards, north of post mill in the Hassel.

Origin of the name

The Annex - bach is clearly the origin of the base word, however, is unclear. However, the name is also in a modified form, as well as hum corner, represented west of the Weser frequently. One possible explanation is after the base word is then - beke ( in Scandinavia and England as - bekkir ). Other forms are Mecke - or - Micke, -bike, - bek ( e), - eke, - ke. There is a word formation with the diminutive - ke made ​​up word, which has partly lost by abrasion its fuller form. A Beck is " to speak the beak at the height of the course from which he comes. "


  • Selle trench ( right)