Bucktooth tetra

Two Polka Dot Raubsalmler ( Exodon paradoxus )

The Two Polka Dot Raubsalmler ( Exodon paradoxus ) lives in South America in the Amazon basin, the Rio Madeira, Rio Marmelo, Rio Tocantins and Rio Branco in Brazil and Guyana.


The 15 inches long expectant tetras have an elongated, laterally compressed body. Their dorsal fin is supported by ten to eleven fin rays. The anal fin has 19 to 22 fin rays, an adipose fin is present. Young fish have yellow edges and a silvery underside. The middle and the tip of the dorsal fin, and the front edges of the anus, abdominal and pectoral fins are red. The name derives from two large black spots on the sides, just before the approach of the dorsal fin and the tail. When light falls the fish glisten intense silvery. Old animals are yellow-gray, the spots are only dimly seen. During the spawning season, the females have a thicker body.

Way of life

Two Polka Dot Raubsalmler are schooling fish. They feed on smaller fish and other animals. Larger fish attack them, tear them shed out and bite them fins from. The courtship runs rough. The fish spawn between aquatic plants. After 25 to 30 hours, the larvae hatch. A brood care does not take place.

Hunting and

Two Polka Dot Raubsalmler were 1935 first imported as ornamental fish. However, the beautiful fish are not suitable for socialization with other, smaller species in community aquariums. They should be kept in larger groups of ten to 15 animals and only in the company of robust catfish. Two Polka Dot Raubsalmler have also been bred, rearing of young fish is difficult because the animals are incurred each other.
