
Burjuc (Hungarian Burzsuk ) is a municipality in the district of Hunedoara in Transylvania, Romania.

Geographical location

The municipality is located in southwestern Burjuc Transylvania, southwest of the Transylvanian Erzgebirge ( Munţii Metaliferi ), in the historical region of the county Hunyad (county iron market ) in the chair district Marosillye. On river Mures ( Mures ), the European Route 68 and the double-track line Arad - Alba Iulia, the place is about 40 kilometers west of the district capital Deva ( Deva ).

The villages of the municipality is the village except Tisa ( Tisza Hungarian ), on the right side of the Mureş. The connection of the Tisa parish seat is ensured by a simple boat.


The place Burjuc was first mentioned in documents in 1468. However, the history of settlement in the region ranges - according to reports by G. Téglás and M. Roska, inter alia, - To the early Bronze Age. Archaeological discoveries in several incorporated villages Bradatel and Tisa corresponding objects were discovered.

The main occupation of the population is agriculture and animal husbandry.


1850 lived on the territory of the municipality 3,261 inhabitants. 3,221 of these were Romanians, Roma 36 - it is the highest number - a German and three others. The largest population ( 3557 ) of the community - and at the same time the Romanians ( 3485 ) and of Hungary ( 64) - 1910 was determined. The highest number of Germans in Romania ( 19) was registered in 1880. In addition, in 1956 a resident known as Slovak.


  • The wooden church Adormirea Maicii Domnului of eingemeindeten village Bradatel (Hungarian Bradacsel ), built in the 19th century, is a historical monument.
  • The wooden church Sfintii Arhangheli of eingemeindeten village Tătărăşti ( Tatar village), built in the 18th century. In the same village there is a built in 1993 Orthodox Church.
  • The wooden church Pogorârea Sfântului Duh, 1748 in the village Chelmac ( Kelmak, Kr Arad ) built in 1815 dismantled and rebuilt in eingemeindeten Tisa Village. It is a listed building.


Church in Glodghileşti

Church in Tătărăşti

Church in Tătărăşti

Church in Tisa
