Call Me (Blondie song)

Call Me is a song by Blondie from 1980, which was written by Giorgio Moroder and Deborah Harry. The song is included on the soundtrack of the movie An American Gigolo.


Originally Giorgio Moroder wanted to compose the song with Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac, but by Nick's contract with Modern Records, the collaboration was prevented. So he turned to Deborah Harry. First, the song was an instrumental piece called Man Machine, and after a few hours, the song Call Me was from the play The song is about a woman who demands from her lover that he is calling.

The publication took place on 1 February 1980. In the United States, Canada and the UK, the punk / New Wave song became a number one hit. In the music magazine Rolling Stone, on the list of 500 greatest songs of all time, Call Me reached number 283

Music Video

For song have been published two music videos:

  • In a music video you can see excerpts from New York City and Manhattan. This video is also in the Video Album The Complete Picture: The Very Best of Deborah include Harry and Blondie in 1991.
  • In another video you can see a taxi driver who is driving his Checker Cab through Manhattan.

Cover versions
