
Camouflage is used to change the appearance of an individual or thing so that they are no longer or only barely visible with the effort. This happens for example with the help of camouflage clothing and camouflage patterns, combined with immobility or of the ground motion lines adapted to take advantage of this from view by natural shadows.

Camouflage is done by

  • Optical camouflage ( camouflage, terrain use, sedentary lifestyle, avoid lift-off from the background and substantially disrupting the own optical silhouette including by jute strips on the helmet cover or formveränderndem Helmtarnbezug as in the Israeli army in the Mitznefet - Helmtarnbezug )
  • Acoustic camouflage ( to avoid noise ),
  • Odor camouflage ( avoid spices, aftershave, cigarette smoke),
  • Thermal camouflage ( shielding body heat and radiation devices by exploiting terrain and special clothing or covering ). To help against a thermal imaging device a very thick plastic sheet to the heat signature of the body shield.

Essential in the optical camouflage is the Umtarnen, depending on varying background. So useful on open, snowy terrain Winter Camo clothing in the winter is useful, but makes when entering the dark forest the soldiers visible. Grass tufts in Helmtarnbezug are useful in a meadow, in a cornfield striking.

An early form can be found at the North American Plains Indians: their scouts wrapped themselves in the buffalo hunt bison skins in order to be as unnoticed sneaking up to the herds can.

In the army, the French term Camouflage is often used. Depending on the prevailing ambient color are eg the combat uniforms of the soldiers know (in winter) or spotted in Earth and olive tones colored and thus perceptible worse for the opponent. In nighttime combat missions, the faces are blackened for the same reason. Larger objects such as tanks or position trenches are covered against a possible discovery from the air with nets and foliage. Defenses against modern positioning methods such as radar or sonar are called stealth techniques or stealth techniques (English stealth camouflage ).

In addition to the camouflage deliberately chosen, there are also unconsciously chosen camouflage. A dark-clad pedestrians moving at night for example between the light cones of street lighting, it can not be recognized by motorists. He is unconscious in an Tarnzone. Only when he enters the light cone of the street lighting it is perceived by motorists.

From camouflage or laminating is when politicians suppress, for example, in speeches true facts or top managers of large companies represent the economic situation of their company positively, although this is not true.

Camouflage can be also be obtained by inconspicuous behavior ( for example as a thief ) and by aligning with movements or noises around. Similarly, computer viruses, and cancer cells camouflage.

Steganography refers to the camouflage of secret information in a communication, while the carrier of information, the media must have no other meaning. The security of a steganographic secret information is that an unauthorized person does not really stand the existence of such or, if he knows about the existence, he can not recognize.

( Attempt to integrate a " camouflage " to the cooling tower with color design into the landscape ) cooling tower in Dresden

Chimney dummies on a bunker in Fürth serve the guise of mobile phone antennas.

Camouflaged coal-fired power plant in Mainz (Draft)

A tree on the hill 63 is used as a dummy for an observation post in the Battle of Messines (Belgium on 7 June 1917).

Sniper with Ghillie suit.
