Campo Mourão

Campo Mourão on the map of Paraná

Campo Mourão ( officially Municipio de Campo Mourão ) is a city in the Brazilian state of Paraná. She had in 2010, according to census 87 194 inhabitants, who are called campo- mourense.

It lies at an altitude of 630 meters above sea level. The distance to the capital, Curitiba is around 477 km. Campo Mourão belongs to mesoregion Mesorregião do Centro Ocidental Paranaense and is the seat of the micro-region Microrregião de Campo Mourão.

In the local elections in 2012 Regina Dubay ( Partido da República ) was elected as the successor of Stadtpräfektin Nelson José Tureck.

The city is divided into a district ( distrito ) Piquirivaí and 26 bairros.

Pictures of Campo Mourão
