Cananga odorata

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Ylang -ylang ( Cananga odorata )

Ylang -ylang ( Cananga odorata ) is a plant from the family of Annonengewächse ( Annonaceae ).

The name is used both for the whole plant as well as the flowers. Ylang- Ylang means to Malay " flower of flowers ". Ylang -ylang is originally from the Philippines and Indonesia. Today, however, it is also cultivated in Madagascar, Sumatra, Haiti, Java, Comoros and Zanzibar to recover the ylang-ylang oil.


Ylang -ylang grows as evergreen fast growing tree that reaches heights of growth of up to 25 meters. The six tongue-shaped, long, inner bracts are yellowish - green. The flowers give off an intense sweet fragrance.


From the large flowers that can be harvested daily and must be processed quickly, one gains the essential ylang- ylang oil. In a later distillation may be obtained from the same passage Ylangblüten also Cananga oil. In Asia, flowers and oil are also used in folk medicine. The wood is suitable for the construction of small boats, drums, home appliance and boxes, carving.

Pictures of Cananga odorata
