Cape Leveque

Geographical location

Cape Leveque is the northernmost point of the Dampier Peninsula in the region of Kimberley, Western Australia.

Cape Leveque can be reached at 240 km distance of the Cape Leveque Road from Broome. It is a human- deserted area, although the sandy beaches attract some tourists, who arrive mostly by plane. Accessible Cape Leveque is only with all-wheel drive vehicles.

A 13 -meter high lighthouse was built at Cape Leveque in 1911. His luminous characteristic is based on three flashes of light, light up every 15 seconds, with a focal plane of 43 m is reached and a light power emitted by 25,000 kerosene lamps. The lighthouse marks the western entrance to the King Sound. In front there is a small island, the Isle Leveque.
