Cape Three Points

The Cape of three peaks ( engl. Cape Three Points ) located in present-day Ghana and is the southernmost point of the country (4 ° 30 ' north of the equator). He was discovered by Portuguese sailors.

In 1700 the Cape was one of the areas on the Gold Coast with the most locations. The most famous was the Brandenburg-Prussian " colony " Great Friedrichsburg, which was founded in 1683. The fort is now a World Heritage Site. Neighbors were, firstly, the Dutch with offices in Axim, Butry (Fort Batensteyn ) and Sekondi and on the other the English or British possession Dixcove.

4.7500861111111 - 2.08805Koordinaten: 4 ° 45 '0 " N, 2 ° 5' 17 " W

  • Cape (Africa)
  • Geography (Ghana)
  • Western Region (Ghana)